Network Rail is teaming up with Samaritans for the annual Brew Monday campaign, urging both the public and staff to take a moment for a tea break and a heart-to-heart. The campaign aims to promote well-being by encouraging connection, especially on what is often labeled “Blue Monday,” considered by some to be the toughest day of the year.

However, Samaritans is dispelling the “Blue Monday” myth, emphasizing that their volunteers are available year-round to provide support, answering a call for help every 10 seconds. Brew Monday serves as a reminder to friends, family, and coworkers to look out for one another, take the time to connect, and offer support through simple gestures like sharing a cup of tea or a friendly conversation.

On Monday, January 20, Samaritans volunteers will be stationed at several local train stations across the UK, distributing teabags and chatting with commuters about the power of connecting over a cuppa.

Louise McNally, suicide prevention lead, Network Rail said: “Small moments like catching up over a cuppa can play a big role in helping people who are struggling. That’s why we’re proud to support Samaritans’ Brew Monday campaign and share this important message to passengers and staff.”

Olivia Cayley, Head of Rail Programme at Samaritans, said: “On Brew Monday we’re reminding the public that human connection can be life saving and we’re so grateful to the rail industry for their support this year.

“Our volunteers are busy all year round, answering a call for help every 10 seconds, so we know people can find things tough at any time and there’s no such thing as the ‘worst day of the year’. That’s why it’s vital that we all take the time to check in on each other every day. Whether it’s over a cup of tea, going for a walk or having a chat over the phone, the important thing is that you share how you’re feeling and really listen so anyone who might be struggling knows they don’t have to face their challenges alone.”

This year’s Brew Monday also marks the 15th anniversary of Samaritans’ partnership with the rail industry and British Transport Police, working together to reduce suicides on the railway. Over the past 15 years, more than 30,000 railway staff and stakeholders have undergone suicide prevention training through Samaritans’ “Managing Suicidal Contacts” course, helping them identify and assist individuals in crisis. Through these efforts, Samaritans continues its mission to provide critical support to those who may be struggling.

The post Network Rail Joins Samaritans To Challenge ‘Blue Monday’, Promoting Well-Being And Connection Through A Simple Cuppa: What You Need To Know appeared first on Travel And Tour World.