Fukuoka City, Japan’s sixth-largest metropolis, is nestled in the southwest of the country, just a five-hour Shinkansen journey from Tokyo. Renowned as a perfect “Detour Destination,” this city seamlessly blends rich history, celebrated culinary delights, and a unique mix of natural and urban landscapes. Here are three reasons why Fukuoka deserves a spot on your travel list this year.

Mountain Retreats with a View

Escape to the tranquil slopes of Mt. Abura, where a luxury resort offers an ideal mix of nature and modern comfort. Opened in 2024, this 12-room retreat provides sweeping views of Fukuoka’s skyline while immersing guests in the lush greenery of the mountain. Choose from accommodations designed to connect you with nature: villas with private saunas and outdoor living areas, cottages offering panoramic views, and glamping tents for a more adventurous stay. Daytime activities include forest hikes and mountain explorations, while evenings feature interactive dining experiences with stunning city views. Rates start from £270 per night, with a check-in time of 3 PM and check-out at 11 AM.

Island Escapades

A short ferry ride from the city, Nokonoshima Island offers a day of serene adventure. Whether fishing, swimming, or hiking, this small island in Hakata Bay provides a refreshing escape. Its famous observation deck rewards visitors with panoramic views of the bay and iconic landmarks like Fukuoka Tower. Explore the island park, a floral haven where seasonal blooms such as cherry blossoms, cosmos, and camellias transform the landscape. Open daily, the park provides a peaceful retreat just minutes from the city’s hustle.

Coastal Adventures

Discover the expansive beauty of Umi-no-Nakamichi Seaside Park, a 350-hectare natural paradise bordered by Hakata Bay and the Genkai Sea. A 20-minute ferry ride from downtown, the park features a 12-kilometer cycle path that weaves through pine forests, cherry blossom tunnels, and scenic coastal stretches. Along the way, visitors can stop at photogenic spots, including Flower Hill and a historic seaside shrine. The park also offers unique accommodations, such as dome-shaped glamping tents that illuminate the night and a resort with stunning ocean views. Water activities, including diving and fishing, are available at the nearby marina. The park is open year-round, with seasonal hours.

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